Hell, I even gained a follower after weeks of no posts at all. At least one person misses me. (Maybe I should post even less and see what happens.)
May your holidays be happy and safe, folks. See you in '09.
I'll return to the Block sooner rather than later. I was bitten and infected by the blogging bug years ago, and it's in my blood. But right now I'm having too much fun writing my fiction. My readers will understand. (Well, maybe not McGone, but he's a big boy. He'll deal.)
Mama told me when I was young
Stand tall, girl, you’re number one
She said, You can be what you wanna be
But you can’t change the course of your destiny
Turns out Madge has a twin brother named Buster, though. He won't be dealt with for a few more weeks.
Anyways, send Rider your thoughts. He said he "feels like Nick Nolte's mug shot."
Madge The Ginormous Kidney Stone is too big to be flushed out of me. She is now self-aware and speaks to me in the voice of Sarah Palin. "You'll never get me out, Rider, fer gosh sakes."
I'm waiting for health insurance red tape to allow me to get a procedure done at a futuristic facility where they will bombard Madge with sound waves. This would cause her to shatter and scream, "What a world! What a world!" The physician who will dole out this punishment said it will "feel like you've been kicked in the back."
In the meantime, she's dug in pretty well and causing all kinds of inflammation and pain. I'm on three different meds to deal with this experience. I feel like Keith Richards without the talent.
It's an IBM running Windows, which explains the slow processing speed and the freezes. I am a Mac, not a PC, and I feel as if I'm cheating on Steve Jobs using such an inferior operating system. But it's free so I'll shut up.
So later today I meet with a urologist who will hunker down and give me the Game Plan for destroying this rock before Bruce Willis and Steve Buscemi land on it with explosives.
I just asked nurse Danielle for more dilaudid.
I'll be out of it for a while.
I worked a long shift right after school yesterday, and the house was loud and buzzing with folks who had just voted.
A bald guy wearing a suit and tie came in, and as I filled his cup he asked, "So did you vote today?"
I explained that I was a month and a day from legal voting age. Unfortunately.
He sort of settled back and studied me for a moment before asking, "Tell me then, Stephanie, who would you have voted for?"
I told him I didn't know. Both candidates had their strong points.
"Well," he sighed, looking as if he wanted a fight, "are you a Democrat or are you a Republican?"
A Democrat, I said.
He began shaking his head in disgust. In a very condescending tone he actually said, "Oh, I'm sorry."
That's why I don't talk about politics.
- If Valerie returns from her self-imposed Facebook exile, put her back on the Blockroll. (Never forget, though, she is our arch-nemesis.)
- Don't look directly at Slinger's head in sunlight, and don't feed him after midnight or he'll spawn evil mohawked clones. Remove him from the Blockroll if he hasn't returned to blogging by Hallowe'en.
- If I ever spell "Halloween" with an apostrophe between the Es, kill me.
- Dean Xene is size of a leprechaun. If you meet him, be careful so you don't trod upon him.
- Don't disclose what our Site Meter reveals about Zibbs. He'll be less smug and no one wants that.
- Don't get Jenks started on Notre Dame or chemistry or sports.
- McGone is your blogging ally, but he can turn on you without warning and is known to use the word "fucktard." He is like a drunken, Irish werewolf with Tourette's.
Please, Smacky, slap this bitch
Please, Smacky, slap this bitch
Please, Smacky, slap this bitch
But...nothing happened. No strange looks from the cashier, no glances over the shoulder for the shift manager with flour in her hair, nada. My crimes during the summer hiatus seem to have been swept under the rug. This must be how Snake Plissken felt after saving President Donald Pleasance from the Duke (who we all know is "A-number-1").
My relief was replaced by irritation, though, when another customer stole the table that was in front of my easy chair.
I was sitting there, minding my own business, right? (Eddie Murphy, 1982), when this chick sits in the chair across from me.
Fine, I think. You do that. I got the better chair, anyway. Enjoy the sun in your face, sweetheart. Shoulda thought of that before making such a poor decision. Meet my gaze and witness the happy dance behind my eyes! La la la, hm hm hm, I win again!
But then...
She leaned forward and, in slow motion, pulled the coffee table closer to her.
What. The. Holy. Hell.
That table was mine! I was here first! It's what I set my tray and used napkins on for the Hispanic busboy who resembles the "time to make the donuts" guy.
And no, I didn't need the damn thing, but that's a moot point. A shared table between two easy chairs should remain equidistant to both. Law of the land. Known fact.
She didn't even ask. That's the other issue. The rules of civilized society dictate you ask before taking. That gives the take-ee an opportunity to say, "Hells no!"
It doesn't matter I had earbuds in and was permanently damaging my hearing by listening to "Hot For Teacher" at full blast. She should've done more than gauge my reaction while pulling the table away from me. Mouth the words, "I'm taking this away from you now," or, "You weren't using this, bitch." Something.
And now it's hers and now I'm shooting my new Asian enemy the stink eye as she gnaws her fingernail and reads a book on gynecology and obstetrics that's resting on a smooth tabletop I couldve put my shoes up on.
I hate you, Asian table-puller.