
Fanfic By Celebrities

When an average sports fan performs his own song about a favorite team, it comes across as the musical equivalent of fan fiction.

Fanfic is a frightening thing to stumble across on the Interweb. So frightening, in fact, that I don't even want to Google search or link to it.

You wanna lose faith in your fellow man right quick? Check how many sites are devoted to the erotic misadventures of superheroes in bondage. (Or don't. Just sleep well knowing they exist.) The concept is as mystifying as Jeremy Piven's hairline 20 years ago compared to now.

So when an accomplished musician pens his homage to a pro baseball team, why is that not seen as geeky?

I can easily see Eddie Vedder writing a song about playing Wiffleball with his childhood friends in the streets of Evanston, Illinois; a fond recollection of a cherished activity that didn't involve millionaire athletes and a brand name.

I just think geniuses like Vedder should be above celebrating a baseball franchise. It seems so anti-Vedder; so unlike the guy who campaigned against Ticketmaster.

And this isn't a Cubs vs. Sox thing. I'd think this was out of character if he were singing about Comiskey Park.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to get back to chapter 37 of my "Willow Loves Tara Always" story.


Anonymous said...

Elton John's Philadelphia Freedom was about a tennis team or something.

McGone said...

It's weird to think Ernie Banks might have Eddie Vedder on speed dial. Hell, it's weird to think that Ernie Banks might even own a Pearl Jam cd.

Dr Zibbs said...

Piven should have sport a tatoo on forehead that says, "actually bald"

MJenks said...

A guy in the know once told me that, every week, Random House gets over 100 submissions of Star Trek fanfic, most of it revolving around the homoerotic adventures of Wharf and Wesley Crusher.

I'm sure I've told this story before in one of my whining diatribes about not being published, but still. 100+ submissions. And Random House clearly states on their website that they do not accept unsolicited submissions. Freaks.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Ernie Banks asks you to write a song, you do it.

Plus, if you're Eddie Vedder, you can do whatever the hell you want to do and not give a rat's ass that random bloggers and the general public might see it as beneath you.

Shouldn't geniuses like you be above using the same old sight gag of the fat naked guy at the computer?

Rider said...

Anon: Seems like Elton penned that song as a favor for a tennis legend, much like Vedder did.

McGone: They became fast friends while Banks was stage-diving into the mosh pit during an encore of "Evenflow" back in '91.

Zibbs: Piven's not bald. He's a freak of nature who defied God's will. Deal with it.

MJenks: What's wrong with a little Klingon/boy love?

Mrs. R: The day Eddie Vedder stoops to reading or commenting on this blog, he loses his "genius" label in my book.

And though my 132 IQ technically ranks as genius-level, I didn't want my readers to know it just so I could continue posting the pic of the nude fat guy and no one would expect more of me.