
"You Eat Some Bad Mexican?"

The Fox network officially ushered in the 2008-2009 TV season tonight.

And not a moment too soon. The summer hiatus was killing me. Was I so starved for material I actually wrote about Phil Collins? And Second Life? And what was up with Panera Bread's Security Task Force looking for me at one point?

All I know is Prison Break is back and "better" than ever. The two-hour premiere hit the reset button once again, shaking up the status quo and delivering on the cheesy moments that caused lesser bloggers (with more readers) to bail out years ago.*

Come on, what other show gives you so many implausible yet enjoyable moments such as these (minor spoilers)?

  • Michael Rapaport, cast against type, trying to play a hardass federal agent that doesn't sound like a punk in a high school's smoking area griping about being left back.
  • That same federal agent (Rapaport!) pulling judicial strings to assemble a crew of convicted felons and fugitives to help take down a secret cabal of men who all look like Dick Cheney's retarded brother. Suicide Squad, anyone?
  • An overnight laser tattoo removal session capable of erasing a full-torso plot point from season one. And you know it was painful because Wentworth Miller gritted his teeth. Twice.
  • A fat Hispanic and a murderer/pedophile named T-Bag walk into the desert--not the set-up for a joke...or is it?--but only one walks out, looking nauseous. Which prompts his rescuer to ask the question in this post's title.

Still, no other show on TV consistently delivers the goods. Or bads. Whichever.

* I guess some folks just can't suspend their disbelief as much as I. Or could it be they actually have lives beyond watching television? Nah...I refuse to believe McGone has better things to do than watch Prison Break. I can only suspend my disbelief so far.


Falwless said...

I've never watched this show, and I'm afraid it's like Lost. In other words, miss an episode (or season or three) and you're lost.

Dr Zibbs said...

HA. T-Bag.

McGone said...

The day I quit watching "Prison Break" was akin to reaching the top of a Tibetan mountain and asking the Lama that "Meaning of Life" question. Things became clearer and just made more sense. You just don't know how refreshing it can be when you aren't bogged down with the wacky escapades of a one-handed cannibalistic murdering pedophile prison escapee.

McGone said...

Also... "lesser blogger?" Is this some kind of throw down?

Anonymous said...

Bad TV is in the eye of the beholder, eh? Once I started treating Prison Break as a comedy, it made much more sense. Cuz, c'mon!

Unlike say, Chuck...

Anonymous said...

I was so curious to see the new season even after not watching last season. I knew what happened last season, the broke out!

T-Bag really is the best of the worst TV villains out there. Such a scum bag, but you have to love him, or laugh at him when he drags that fat mexican over the flame.

I like that it is a clean slate, and I am kind of curious to see how it will play out.