
Advice to Collins

Phil Collins just gave ex-wife numero tres a $46-million payout in their divorce. That's more than McCartney gave Mills and she's down a limb.

After three divorces, he's lost 84 million of his $280,000,000 fortune.

My suggestion: rather than lose all your cash by the tenth divorce, Phil, give it to PETA now. Help them with their battle against KFC. Jeezum Crow--think how many beakless birds you could've saved already! Those autographed drumsticks you donated in 2005 didn't help as much as millions of sussudio dollars would.

FUN FACT: Collins notified his second wife of their divorce via fax


MJenks said...

Is it a touch ironic that he donated drumsticks to help fight KFC?

It would have been better had he actually been in Wings rather than McCartney.

Also, at this point, Phil should just rent them. My brother's doing this, and he's only been through one divorce and one stint in prison.

McGone said...

The most shocking thing about this is your admission that you have seen "Superhero Movie." (via Hovertext for those who don't know what I'm talking about)

Dr Zibbs said...

I bet if he sold a paper company the rights to the song "Paper Plate", he could make a billion dollars.

Anonymous said...

He'll tell you he watched that Superhero Movie as some kind of bonding time with son Buddy although I wasn't buying that.

MJenks said...

Wait...Superhero movie? Isn't that that comedy based on comic book movies? I've seen that. It was hilarious when "Magneto" took control of the "Morlocks" and had them fighting "in San Francisco" and then he "magnetically moved the bridge to bring the fight to them".

Anonymous said...

It amazes me that women actually want to mary a short, balding englishman.

Oh yeah, I guess that is where the $$ comes in to play.