
Social Network, You Shall Not

Hiroko Yoda, a Japanese author/translator, was denied a Facebook profile because she shares a last name with a fictional Jedi Master...all because George Lucas' character is on a list of blocked names.

It's sad when a person wants to use their real name on the Interwebs but can't.*

Yet it's funny that one can create a profile for George Lucas-Douche in mere minutes--complete with a portrait drawn with a Sharpie.

Check it out while you can. The Lucas-bots up at Skywalker Ranch's legal department are scrambling.

"Stay on target! Stay on target!"

UPDATE: As you may have noticed, I eventually changed George's Facebook profile to my own. You'll have to trust me that it was awesome while it lasted.

* Or when they get fired for doing so and can't use their real name ever again (*wink*)


MJenks said...

Yoda apparently is a somewhat common name in Japan. There's at least one chemist who did asymmetric alkylations into carbonyls, and I referenced his work in my thesis, just so I could acknowledge Yoda.

Rider said...

Update: A quick search reveals Yoda may have gotten her profile in her name after all. Good for her.

Rider said...

MJenks: Anyone named Palpatine in the chemistry field? That'd be awesome.

Dr Zibbs said...

I'm proud to say, that until now, I din't know Yoda's name.

McGone said...

Consider yourself Friended. Unlike the real chinless wonder named Lucas.

Falwless said...

Oh ooookkkaaayyyy. I got a suggestion to make this George Lucas-Douche character my friend and I didn't know who the eff he was. See? Reading Rider's Block makes the world clearer.

MJenks said...

Awesome. I'm glad to see that Yoda has won out against the Dark Side that is the internet.

I'm not sure if there's a Palpatine, but if I ever get internet at home again, I'll start doing an exhaustive search.