
Last Blogger Standing

"Where the hell's Rider?"

I heard your bitching.

If you must know, I slipped into the pop culture equivalent of a coma. With the TV season still weeks away, I resorted to renting V: The Original Miniseries and playing Donkey Kong (only 500 Wii points* on the Wii Shop Channel!)

It was like 1983 all over again, minus the low self-esteem and inescapable Fixx songs.

On the bright side, I finished reading the final collection of the Y: The Last Man series from Vertigo/DC Comics.

If you haven't read it, Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra crafted a superb 60-issue story about a mysterious plague that wiped out every individual on the planet with a Y chromosome. Only one man, Yorick Brown, survived the "gendercide."

It's a fascinating read and impossible to put down. Vaughan delves into the way society would change with women running everything from governments to the entertainment industry to black ops.

The only thing he doesn't explore is how the blogosphere would change...which got me thinking.

If a plague killed off every blogger on the planet except me, it'd be interesting to see exactly who would be left. Many questions and suspicions about the identities of my online friends would be confirmed by the sheer number of blogs with no new entries.

For example, I've met Slinger and McGone and I know they are fine, upstanding representations of the human male (the latter proving it by not wearing Crocs, but that's beside the point).

But who out there is actually a man writing as a woman (or vice versa)?

And how else would the Interwebs change without guys?

Please post your guesses in the comments section.

And ladies, hug a man today. The world would suck without us.
* That's five bucks to you, you non-Wii-playin' loser!


McGone said...

I recently discovered the extensive collection of graphic novels in the library of the school where I collect a paycheck. No Y: The Last Man yet though, which sucks. But I am finally able to see what all the fuss for "Blankets" is about.

Is Y worth the trade purchase?

MJenks said...

To answer McGone's question: Yes.
It especially helps if your wife works at the Ampersand.

I'm about halfway through the series, only because I've been off reading other stuff and, well, video gaming like an Italian plumber with a predilection toward wearing red.

Dr Zibbs said...

I'm totally a dude but on my staff of TBY writers there are 12 women and 14 men. I'm glad I've built an underground bunker because I'll let you live in your woman world for a few weeks, then, I'll emerge from my lair and you my friend, will be crying in your soup.

Falwless said...

I am actually a dude.

Falwless said...

You boys are a buncha nerds, btw.