
"Michael, Why Does Our Show Suck?"

No one in the United States watches NBC on Wednesdays between 7 and 8 Central, so I wanted to get to the bottom of this prime time black hole that, ironically, repels viewers.

Turns out that's when the new Knight Rider airs.

To ridicule the show would be redundant. You don't make fun of the mildly retarded kid in school unless you're a dick. And this show is severely retarded. It's the equivalent of Randy from My Name Is Earl recovering from a Cuckoo's Nest lobotomy.

I'll just say the show would be improved by having K.I.T.T. voiced by a Paul Lynde impersonator--rather than Val Kilmer!--which would include dialogue such as, "Michael, your jeans look fantastic!"

But the oddest thing about the show is Bruce Davison's hair. (Please--if you click no other link in this post, click that one.) The man is 62. And he wears his hair like that.

He looks like grandpa after grandma left him because he wouldn't lay off the Viagra and became impossible to live with. Time to get the Members Only jacket out of mothballs and fire up the Gran Torino and go nightclubbing.

Hey, Bruce, I hear Life on Mars is looking for supporting characters to play 1973 hippie informants.


McGone said...

Inevitably you'll find one person that watches it regularly and their defense will be "It's not that bad" and a clumsy attempt to change the subject quickly.

I can't wait until some other channel does the remakes of the original Knight Rider knock-offs. And once "Street Hawk 2009" hits the airwaves, the fabric of reality will rip apart.

Dr Zibbs said...

Paul Lynde wouldn't work. Charles Nelson Reilly maybe.