
Early Voting Shocker on the Block

Rider here, sending a quick post from my BlockBerry.

I just voted early--'cuz I'm cooler than your average American--and I discovered something none of you know.*

I was astounded to find out that Ralph Nader is running for President.

Seriously, did you know that?

I'd heard rumblings about him trying again, but that was last year. Since then...nada (so to speak).

How was this kept under wraps? Did Nader manage to not raise any campaign funds? Or did the mainstream media collectively decide to not mention it?

I consider myself a fairly well-informed citizen. I read most of my news online on a daily basis, and I have a subscription to Newsweek to make sure I catch the summary.

But this was a huge shocker.

I was so startled I voted for the man!**

* "None of you" meaning my two regular readers, not the 111 others who visit here daily and steal my images, or the kids in schools searching for "Beowulf"
** How much would you hate me if I really did? Sound off in the comments.
Sent from Gmail for mobile | mobile.google.com


McGone said...

When I was recently in Milwaukee and on the requisite Miller Brewing Company tour, they informed us that Milwaukee's Best (a.k.a. The Beast) does not advertise at all. It relies on being the cheapest beer a poor college student would lower themselves to drink and is the cheapest because of no advertising overhead.

I don't think this same theory should apply to one's Presidential campaign, but I think there's a similarity somewhere. I'd be able to figure it out if I had a Cheap Drunk On right now.

MJenks said...

Hate to break it to you, but I did know this. I've wondered why his campaign has never gotten the press it did in 2000. Was it because of the damage it did to Gore? That's my guess.

I wouldn't hate you for voting for him. I applaud any third party candidate. I'm strongly considering voting for Bob Barr.

MJenks said...

Doesn't PBR use the same marketing strategy: an old, familiar face that's cheap because it doesn't advertise? I thought that was the gist of it.

Also, PBR pwns the Beast.