
Spirit Of Rock

I've played guitar since I was a munchkin. I like to think of myself as a musician, but technically I've only been onstage once, and that was a solo performance. Since then I've joined a band and we're trying to find our sound (and agree on a name). I've recently realized there's alot of responsibility involved in that...all because of a movie.

I saw Almost Famous for the first time this past summer, and it left a mark. A good one. It became one of my favorite movies ever, as a matter of fact. It affected me in three ways:

  • It made me want to be honest in my song writing.
  • It made me want to write more, period (songs, stories, poems, etc.).
  • It made me not want to let Lester Bangs' spirit down.

I desperately wanted/needed to learn more about Lester the moment the DVD ended (imagine what he'd say about watching a digital movie on a disc read by a laser, you know?). He was so passionate about music and writing. More than anyone else I can think of. The night I watched it, I actually did stay up all night writing "pure dribble" in my notebook. (Minus the speed or cough syrup.)

Last Sunday I was checking out Boing Boing and found an old interview with Lester from 1980 (who died eight years before I was born.)

I put it on my Shuffle and popped in my earbuds yesterday for a listen while my Lit teacher screened the Great Gatsby under the pretense of comparing the book to the film but we all knew it was because she was hungover and wanted to sit in the dark with her eyes shut.

It's something every musician or music lover should hear. It's a great interview, and definitely worth downloading. The ambient noise of the street in the background annoyed me at first, but then I realized that made if more real...and Lester would've liked that.

Does anyone know where I can find more interviews with Lester? Please comment. (Oh, I'm also taking suggestions for a good name for an indie-alt rock band with a female on vocals and acoustic guitar.)


Dr Zibbs said...

Why don't you describe your band and have a band naming contest on this blog. I'm sure you'll pick my name but the other people don't have to know. It might give them a bit of hope.

McGone said...

And here I was wondering what I would listen to today. Thanks for the link.

I quote Phillip Seymour Hoffman-as-Bangs in "Almost Famous" every time I hear the Guess Who. "Give me the Guess Who! At least they have the conviction to be drunken buffoons!"

And I will self-pimp my site in your quest for band names.

Splotchy said...

I saw the interview thing on Lester Bangs, but haven't downloaded or listened to it yet.

It did get me to try searching for his original "Death Dwarves" Creem magazine article with Lou Reed, but had no luck finding it.

For the name of the band, how about "Swoop"?

stephanie p. said...

Zibbs - What would the prize be for this band-naming contest?

McG - Actually, the contest is over before it even began: I just read your post and decided we should call ourselves "Chocolate Uprising." Nicely done!

Splotchy - I'm on a hunt for Velvet Underground music now, based solely on what Bangs said in the interview. "Swoop" sounds like something a Russian grunge band would call themselves (when grunge comes to that country next year).