
Stephanie Introduces Herself To The Block

Hello, Rider's Block lurkers. My name's Stephanie. I'm not exactly sure why I was asked to contribute to this blog, but it's flattering (I guess). You must be doubly confused.

I met the guy who calls himself Rider three years ago at a Neil Gaiman book signing in Naperville, Illinois. I wrote about it last year on my blog. Rider asked me not to link to it probably because I use his real name, but he did say I could post a jpeg. (And although he told me to "do whatever you want," he still sent some rules, which I'll get to.)

A few years went by and my life spun out of control. Remember that movie where Elijah Wood got electrocuted on the guardrail and his dead body slowly slid down that icy road? Ice Storm? I'll never forget that scene. If you could run that scene in reverse, that was my life leading up to my sudden electric shock. Boring, boring, boring, drifting slowly, slowly uphill, then ZAP!

I ended my blog after the ZAP (long story), but I was way into blogging for six months there. (I created my Blogger account in 2002 but I'd never gotten serious about it, because, hello?...no life!)

So anyways, last November I got an email from someone named "Rider." I didn't know the name. He blind-copied a Blogger URL to me. I clicked the link and read the very first post on Rider's Block, having no idea it was the same guy who took a picture of Neil for me. I read a few posts and even commented, which is totally unlike me. (I'm a proud lurker.)

Two weeks ago, I was with my boyfriend outside the Tivoli Theatre in my hometown, waiting in line again for Neil Gaiman (pimping The Graveyard Book), when a voice behind us said, "Stephanie?"

It was him. We talked, and he said he liked my writing. He'd discovered my blog after I commented here on The Block. Tracked it down through my profile. (Who doesn't immediately click someone's profile to see whats what, right?)

Long story short: he emailed me later asking if I had anything pop-cult related I wanted to blog about. He was taking a leave of absence. Would I help out? I told him between my job, my boyfriend, and my music, I didn't think so.

But I got ninja'd by another life-ZAP just a few days ago. Again, long story. My life's a disaster. I feel more like writing than ever before. So here I am.

Bored yet? Hope you come back for my first regular post anyways.

Oh yeah, I'll end this by C & P'ing the rules Rider sent me:

  • If Valerie returns from her self-imposed Facebook exile, put her back on the Blockroll. (Never forget, though, she is our arch-nemesis.)
  • Don't look directly at Slinger's head in sunlight, and don't feed him after midnight or he'll spawn evil mohawked clones. Remove him from the Blockroll if he hasn't returned to blogging by Hallowe'en.
  • If I ever spell "Halloween" with an apostrophe between the Es, kill me.
  • Dean Xene is size of a leprechaun. If you meet him, be careful so you don't trod upon him.
  • Don't disclose what our Site Meter reveals about Zibbs. He'll be less smug and no one wants that.
  • Don't get Jenks started on Notre Dame or chemistry or sports.
  • McGone is your blogging ally, but he can turn on you without warning and is known to use the word "fucktard." He is like a drunken, Irish werewolf with Tourette's.


McGone said...

He is like a drunken, Irish werewolf with Tourette's.

This is fairly accurate. A drunken Irish Werewolf is actually on my family crest.

Welcome to The Block!

MJenks said...

Jesus, I point out one thing about where the campus is located, and suddenly I'm blacklisted about it. Christ Al-figgin'-mighty.

Welcome to the Block.

Anonymous said...

yes, my bald head is quite shiny. I use a combo of lotion and Pledge. My offspring would have mohawks but the wife won't allow it.

I can still comment though, right?

Stephanie, welcome, and good luck.

stephanie p. said...

McG - I would like to see one of your sketches showing that crest! BTW, when will you direct a third Charlie's Angels movie?

MJenks - I'm not sure what Rider meant by that, but I'm sure he's not blacklisting you. I would start reading your blog, but I'm not a sports fan and I dropped out of Chemistry.

Slinger - It puts the Pledge in the basket or it gets the hose!

Thanks, everyone, for welcoming me!

Rider said...

Re: Jenks: No, I actually meant he's blacklisted. :)