
Upcoming Democratic Strategery

Rider's Block is not a political blog, of course--and there's a very good chance this has been rumored elsewhere--so I'll keep this post short.

I know a guy who knows a guy who works for Obama's campaign, and the plan is to have Joe Biden bow out of the race due to "health concerns"...

...and for Hillary to step in as Barack's VP.

This is set to happen any day now.

If I'm wrong, I'm just another blogger spouting crap.

But if I'm right, expect me to put AdSense on the Block minutes after the official announcement. 'Cuz I could net twenty bucks a year from potential traffic, and I'll need that money to buy my Blu-ray copy of Beverly Hills Chihuahua in February.

As John Hodgman would say, "That is all."


McGone said...

A Spoiler Warning would have been nice. Come on!

Dr Zibbs said...

Beverly Hills Chihuahua. That piece of crap was the number 1 movie this past weekend.

MJenks said...

Hasn't this been the "strategy" for months now?