
Rider Recuperates from Shock(wave Lithotripsy)

Imagine Paul Newman and the sweaty chain-gang from Cool Hand Luke breaking rocks along a rural road. Now take that scenario and picture them all pounding a single rock 3,000 times a second for 45 minutes.

That's what happened to Madge the kidney stone yesterday.

I was X-rayed and tranq'd and sleeping like a baby, while a machine I call Mr. Vibrato 3000 bombarded my inflamed ureter with sound waves that shattered the 6mm calcium stone into sand.

See that orange ball in the picture to the left? It's made of soft rubber and feels like a wonderful breast--but when the technician flips a switch causing it to vibrate faster than the eye can see, it's like the angriest breast you've ever felt up. More like an electrical shock than a vibration.

I was glad I didn't put my tongue on it.

I now have a red rash below my ribs. If you squint at it in a certain light it looks like George Kennedy's face saying, "Get some water here, boss?"

That's one stone down, one to go.


McGone said...

You need to get some new hobbies. This kidney stone thing doesn't sound all that fun.

MJenks said...

One of my wife's friends, shortly after I had the gall bladder yanked, said, "Internal organs are very nice so long as you don't know they're there. The moment you're aware of their presence, things are no longer fun."

I've heard cranberry juice helps to keep these things flushed out. Maybe try it? I dunno. Glad to hear you were out for the torture. I hate sonicators.