
Dragon Wars: You Know It's a Lame-Ass Movie When...™

Today was Giant Monster Friday on the Block.

After watching Godzilla Against MechaGodzilla*, I popped Dragon Wars: D-War in the DVD player.

You know it's a lame-ass movie when the guy from TV's Roswell is the lead, he's entrusted with the fate of our planet...and the dialogue includes that line.

Also, isn't Robert Forster better than this? He's one of the main reasons Jackie Brown was above average, and here he's relegated to a supporting role in what is, essentially, a Power Rangers flick with a decent CG budget.

Due credit: there's an entertaining battle in the streets of L.A. between the military and an army of winged beasties. The kids'll love it.

Here's yet another dialogue gem. (I don't feel like cluttering my page with it, folks. And that's saying something, considering this is a filler post.)

* One of the more imaginative stories in the Godzilla series. Scientists use the skeleton of the original monster from 1954 and use it, literally, as the backbone of their mechanical robot defender. At one point, the skeleton overrides its programming and goes on a brief rampage--because it still possesses the spirit of the original Godzilla. Holy shit!

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