I managed to stay awake this time--because the episode kicked that much ancient-Saltine-eating ass.
- I'm maintaining my long-standing position that the series is an exploration of the science behind Fantasy Island--all because of Locke's line, "It's a place where miracles happen." If Cuse & Lindelof were writing this show for another network and weren't prone to homage after homage, I'd leave it alone. But has Sawyer ever made an FI reference...and why wouldn't he? You can bow at my feet and buy me a beer in May 2010. I'll be the guy wearing the white suit saying, "Smiles, everyone."
- As much as I enjoyed the Sayid/Keamy fight, I liked Keamy killing his own man more. Perhaps he was a kickball champ in grade school.
- Maybe no one visited Walt because they couldn't recognize him.
- If Locke ever had a wife, she would have known better than to send him to Frank's for anthuriums. He would have wandered around all afternoon without asking for help. Duh.
- Instead of a Jacob and the Ghostbuster sitcom, now I'd rather see a spinoff series entitled Rose 'n Shorty. "Who told you you could eat those nuts?"
- I think next season's equivalent of "Meet Kevin Johnson" will feature the return of Jin. There's no way he's dead. I say a Dharma dolphin will save him from the Dharma shark and give him a ride to safety.
- Seriously? I know kids who pointed out that Sawyer had a shirt went he jumped from the copter and that it conveniently vanished when he staggered from the surf. You know, fer the ladies!
- It was then pointed out by my Signficant Other that Kate's cleavage was prominently displayed throughout the finale. "Not the same," said I. "Her shirt's not comin' off."
- I liked how the camera showed Hurley when they realized they needed to ditch a few hundred pounds.
- I wonder if Michael thought he was impervious to C-4 explosions? 'Cuz why even stay behind at that point?
- Juliet and Sawyer will hook up with the help of Dharma rum. And why does drunk Juliet look exactly like sober Juliet?
- I cried like a woman when Des and Penny were reunited. Oh, wait. That wasn't me.
- I didn't expect to see the Oceanic Six actually leaving the island until the end of the series. Was anyone else surprised? Does this mean the next season picks up immediately after the island reappears elsewhere or will we jump ahead to Jack's efforts to "get the band back together"?
- That being said, I totally called Ben's exit from the island for good. (That makes me 1 for 50, but still...)