
Calling the Karma Police

I just started a fifth blog, because four wasn't enough.

The thing is, I used to combine all aspects of my life under one catch-all about pop culture, family life, work life, current events, etc.

Of course, those who know me personally know how that turned out.

Oh, I learned my lesson. Sure, you think it's OK to use your real name on the Interweb, because, hey, this is America and we have freedom of speech and I can say damn well what I want on my personal time without repercussions...but I was ignoring one important thing.


Please check out my new blog Calling the Karma Police. It's a collection of links and stories about how we're all subject to checks and balances on a cosmic scale.

I'm inviting contributors, which means you're more than welcome to submit an interesting story about your own run-ins with the big K. Just shoot me an email and join the team. No fraternity-level hazing or snipe-hunting gags, I promise.

Gotta go. Have to start planning my sixth blog.


McGone said...

Taking over the entire internet, are we?

MJenks said...

If there were a virtual carbon footprint, you'd be the web equivalent of Sasquatch.

MJenks said...

Hmmmm...that made a lot more sense before I wrote it.

Rider said...

McGone: I am a cyber-pirate.

MJenks: I'm the size of a sasquatch adolescent, but I'm feared like a chupacabras.

MJenks said...

See, now you had to bring in the chupacabras, and I'm almost too afraid to come back here. *waves hand in front of face* Does anyone smell sulfur?