Aside from not understanding why a movie about a girl confronting a pedophile is on people's minds on little Baby Jebus' birthday, I'm concerned about another matter. I feel like I short-changed the folks who read my original post and found just one quote.
Here are three more quotes from Hard Candy. But first, a fun (made up) fact about Ellen Page.
Didja know™ Ellen Page will only appear in a film, or help promote it, if she's allowed to wear Chuck Taylors? That's because she was born wearing them! It should be true!

"Well, four out of five doctors agree that I am actually insane."
"Honor student, remember? Nothing I can't do when I put my mind to it."
"Was I born a cute, vindictive, little bitch or...did society make me that way?"

So then, you call Shenanigans on Page's Chuck-love in the movies? You're implying scandal?
Great post.
She's so CUTE!
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