Memorable quotes should be meaningful enough for one to ponder and gain some personal insight from, or to help put cultural or political events into perspective.
There are allegations that the student involved in the "Tasing" incident was doing it as a prank--which I happen to believe. Joe Six-Pack generally tries not to call attention to himself in a crowd.

Any question about this kid's intent should have automatically excluded his quote from consideration. I expected better from the Yale University Press.*

My vote for quote of 2007 comes from Stephen Colbert on setting and enforcing arbitrary rules for children: "If you look at a cat and it sneezes, no dessert for a week."
* Update: It's interesting to note that it took less than three hours from the time I published this for someone browsing from Yale's campus to find it. Welcome to The Block! I visited your campus once in '92. It was beautiful. mistake--it was Harvard. Sorry for my ignorance (I attended a state university).
6 comments:,30583,1686204_1686303_1690822,00.html
That's a better (more...uh...intelligent?) list. The 'don't tase me, bro' thing is such a joke. You were RESISTING ARREST whether it was for a valid reason or not you still have to comply. Liberals. ;)
Your comment didn't include the whole URL, so I'll take your word for it.
I'm still waiting for more Yale folks to come back and face up to their shame. I expect their argument would be something like, "That quote is significant in that it speaks to the cultural times we live in. It was repeated more than any other, including 'Leave Britney alone.'"
To which I say, "And more folks eat at McDonald's than Maggiano's, but that don't make it good grub."
wow, that quote was #1? I agree with you, the media sucks.
I hope so.
That ends with html. DO IT.
The Ex: Yes, that list is a huge improvement over Yale's. Although next time you can cut and paste the HTML portion of the URL to make it easier on the rest of us.
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