The fact remains: I'm an aspiring writer and I'm out of work at the same time as my professional brethren.
This is my beard at three weeks and counting.

The next time you sit down in front of your TiVo and feel utterly disgusted that a show like Crowned gets air time, think about the folks who actually create content for the comedies and dramas you love the most.
'Cuz right now they're out there carrying signs and sporting beards at least ten days longer than mine.
I think we went to high school together... were you in Mackinson's Shop class, fourth period?
it looks like you're trimming your should go all out and let nature take its course so you can be the next Grizzly Adams.
You have to trim the lower neck at times like this. That shit gets WAY TOO itchy.
Please do not encourage the beard.
McGone: No, but I saw you at that thing that time.
Valerie: I am offended at your attack on my beard. That is an uncut face full of whiskers, missy.
Slinger: But it keeps my neck warm while shoveling snow.
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