I don't do celebrity gossip here on the Block, but this is a pop culture blog. (Check my profile if'n ya don't believe me.) Today's post isn't rumor or hearsay, though, it's about an interview that Katherine Heigl did with Vanity Fair.
To save you a link-click, she talks about how Knocked Up was "sexist," and she had issues with the movie's portrayal of women.

I'm not here to agree or disagree with those points. I'm just here to share two facts and then make a little joke.
As a fellow blogger pointed out in an email earlier today, this is an actress who's posed for Maxim--which, granted, I've never read but am 99% sure is not a monthly collection of articles about female empowerment.
Secondly, Heigl's salary is now up $5,700,000 from the $300K she made for doing Judd Apatow's comedy in the first place. With his current track record, it's clear he's an A-list power player with a lot of pull.
So (and here comes the joke) it makes me wonder what possessed Heigl to rip a motion picture made by the man that launched her to stardom?
Perhaps it had something to do with the song playing on her iPod on her way to the interview.

Her publicist is probably already working on a retraction that this was all "taken out of context" in 3... 2... 1.
McGone: You called it. Her statement is tantamount to a guy whose only work history is sweeping up horseshit after a parade who takes a new job sweeping shit for more money, and then says to his coworkers, "I don't like the odor or how people perceived me! That reminds me, I demand a raise!"
Shut the hell up, Heigl, and be glad you're not shoveling shit. You get payed to pretend for a living.
I can't decide if she's pretty or not...she looks like she'd be "large" in real life (no, I'm not the smallest girl on the block), but you know what I mean?
Have you seen the extras on that movie where the bearded guy is talking with one of his friends at the bar (they're debating whether the beard looks good or not)? It's my favorite thing on that DVD.
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