Have you ever stumbled across a song you haven't heard in ten years? You hear it and you think, "Jeez, why is this not on my iPod already? How did I miss that one when I was racking my brain for 15 great tracks when I got that iTunes gift card?"
I was seven when my mom played "One" by Metallica for me; it was the cover version by violinist Rachel Barton. I remember because it was probably the last talk I had with Mom about music before she died.
As the song played, Mom explained that by the time she was ten, Barton was playing with the Chicago Symphony. "Just three years older than you, Sandpiper."
Anyways, I heard "One" on our school's radio station last Friday, and the DJ said Rachel Barton Pine (she's now married) would be appearing this Sunday at a Best Buy two towns over.

I talked fellow band member Meg White Jr. into giving me a ride (since I'm vehicularly challenged), and we arrived just in time for her concert to begin.
As she played, I sort of teared up, if you want to know the truth. My mom was mostly into rock, but she loved classical music too. She said she'd read about how Barton had been the youngest person, and the first American, to win a gold medal in the J.S. Bach International Competition in Germany when she was only 17. My mom was in high school herself at the time, and she was truly inspired.
I was happy when Meg White Jr. bailed early and sequestered herself in Best Buy's drum room for the hour-plus concert. I was able to sit and enjoy the performance without feeling stupid as I wiped tears from my eyes.
Rachel is so unbelievable. She told stories about her world travels. She joked about the history behind some of the classical pieces. She spoke passionately about her love for heavy metal music and the guitarists she idolizes. Then she played her own rock composition ("Rash," I believe she called it). Her blurred fingers seemed to ignite plumes of smoke from the strings.
She did a quick medley of tunes about her hometown, ending in "Sweet Home Chicago," and she made me proud to live here (even though I'm technicaly in the 'burbs).
It was so cool.
She was so cool. Her violin case had embroidered patches of bands like Judas Preist and AC/DC sewn on it.
She got a standing ovation. She took a few questions from the audience. Then folks lined up as she signed her latest CD. Even though there were only about 25 people in the queue, I didn't wait for her autograph. It was all too much for me.
So I downloaded "One" when I started this post, and I'm about to click play.
Mom would've loved today's performance.
This one's for her.

Note: You can download two of Rachel Barton Pine's rock tracks for free
at her official site here, including a medley of Sabbath's "Iron Man," "Crazy Train," and "Paranoid." Just register with an email address.