
Texted Movie Reviews: Zohan

Texted Movie Reviews™ is a new feature wherein Rider posts unedited SMS messages he received on his BlockBerry from friends or family members about current movies.

The following is Eriq E.'s review of You Don't Mess with the Zohan.

Message #1:
Ok so I know you prob already know this but I saw zohan last night and it has got to be by far the worst movie of the year so far-garbage
Message #2:
One of the worst movies I have ever seen in a theater-can't wait for hulk tho-what u been up to

Day 5 of BaconQuest - Boxter and I stopped in at an Apple Store to whip up this map to show our cross-country trek toward Portland*, measured in the number of Targets and Paneras we ate free lemons in and/or sink-bathed in.

* Also to check out Engadget's live coverage of the new iPhone announcement.


McGone said...

Ughn... and they saw it on opening weekend even.

Thanks you for keeping the pig search alive. I have a feeling a resolution will be coming soon.

MJenks said...

And Harrison Ford just wiped his brow...

Who knew that Sauron was so keen on Paneras and Targets? I would have thought him to be more of a Wal-Mart type fellow.

Anonymous said...

that map is fucking hilarious!