
BaconQuest Ends

I was checking my BlockBerry's mobile version of Google Reader, and I see that Fernando has inexplicably turned up at the International House of Blogcakes.

I wept as I read the post--but not because McGone's pink, pantsless pal is alive and well.*

I'm sobbing because I'm here in my seventh or eighth Panera in less than a week and I'm 100 miles from the Block without a quest.

Where are all the windmills for me to tilt at?

Where do I find the next Emerald City at the far end of a killer poppy field to make me a whole person?

Where do I find a crystal skull for me to--er, ah...what exactly was Jones trying to do with that damn thing again?

I am a knight without a quest. The search for my friend's kidnapped hog is over before I could help. I don't know what my next move should be or where I should go.

Only one thing's for sure.

I'm not going anywhere near the east coast now that 26% of New Yorkers have genital herpes. What is that shit--airborne?

* No, I'm not talking about Slinger, although he has returned to blogging...most likely without pants.
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Splotchy said...

Maybe it's best your search has ended.

Don't forget, Fernando spent some time in NYC, cavorting with celebrities and other undesirables.

MJenks said...

Maybe everyone in New York is sleeping with Derek Jeter. Or 26% of the population, at least.

Indy was just illustrating that George Lucas' madness knows no bounds.

Anonymous said...

wow, I mean, WOW! It's like you are watching me at home, sitting, sans pants, blogging every day!

But, in my defense, I have gotten a nice tan so far this summer, so I am no longer pink.

Anonymous said...

Also.. let me get this straight... if I go to Panera and purchase a drink, as long as I keep the cup, I can bring it back with me and refill it for as long as I have that cup?

MJenks said...

Oh, and, don't we all blog without pants?

McGone said...

Dammit - I feel awful about this. I sent word by way of carrier pigeon just in case your BlockBerry stopped working during your quest. safe travels, you brave, brave Blogger.

McGone said...

This is my second comment, because that is all the rage today.

Anonymous said...

well, here is my third. I have to win.

McGone said...

Hardly, Slinger...