
Addendum to Devil's Three-Way

Last night's How I Met Your Mother briefly mentioned the Bro Handbook and its rules regarding a "devil's three-way."*

Perhaps I'm referencing an older edition, but while Barney was 100% correct about the rule prohibiting eye contact between male participants, he left out two crucial addendum.

• Guys must not touch, except when motivated to high-five or knuckle bump.

• Any three-ways involving Stephen Baldwin are discouraged at all costs.

* Two guys.


Splotchy said...

Call me sentimental, call me a hopeless romantic, but Stephen Baldwin's smile lights up my life a little every time I see it.

McGone said...

Man, I haven't seen that movie in forever. I can't remember - when it finally got down to the threeway, did Baldwin take off that stupid backwards cap?

And I agree with the hovertext on this picture - Charles didn't really live up to his potential. When I saw him in SWAT, I thought "Well that's a shame." Please consider him for Splotchy's Adopt-An-Actor program.

MJenks said...

I move that we should add: "Any girl participating in a Devil's Three-Way shall, from said point on, be referred to only as 'Finger-Cuffs'"