The hellish virus I caught after partying too hard at my dual Raul Castro election/Academy Awards party is
still having its way with me. It's a persistent little bugger, but I'm finally gaining the upper hand. I hope to be back to quality pop culture commentary soon.
With all your disposable time, consider checking out these podcasts I listen to and recommend.
1. Comic Geek Speak: Two to eight friends in Reading, Pennsylvania who have been regularly discussing comics for 400 shows. Three new episodes a week.
2. KCRW's The Treatment: Weekly cinema interview show from Santa Monica, featuring an insightful host named Elvis who fulfills NPR's quota of saying "sort of" every other sentence he utters.
3. Mac OS Ken: I am an Apple user and I get my daily Mac news from a rockin' dude named Ken Ray in the San Francisco Bay area.
4. The Official LOST podcast: I don't bother with the shows cobbled together by fans. I get answers right from producers Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof. Episodes are usually posted the day after a new TV installment airs, and questions from viewers are answered with humor.
5. The Onion Radio News: One-minute satirical news stories that make me laugh out loud. Listen to 'em five at a time.
6. Quiet! Panelologists At Work: Two blokes from across the pond making fun of mainstream comic books in thick accents that may confuse the average Yank listener. You're lucky to get one new show a month, but it's worth the wait.
7. The Ricky Gervais Show: The show started out free, now you have to pay for it. I buy 'em by the complete season. Don't listen if you don't appreciate Gervais' laughter.
8. This American Life: New episodes are available the day after they air on NPR, and they're free for the week. When will the Showtime series be available on Netflix? Borders has been selling it for
9. This Week in Tech: I get my weekly dose of tech news and speculation from Leo Laporte and his rotating panel of geeks.
10. USA Today's Pop Candy: I read Whitney's blog and also listen to her in this weekly interview/new music show.
11. X-Play's Daily Video Podcast: Video games cost too damn much to just buy without listening to someone's opinion on new releases. I enjoy Adam and Morgan's humorous reviews from their daily show on G4.