
Turns Out It Wasn't Just Steve - Updated

Terri Irwin, bebanged widow of the "Crocodile Hunter," still puts her children in...interesting situations with wild animals.

Remember when Steve fed a hungry croc while holding his one-month-old son? Well, Robert is now four, and he's just been bitten by a boa constrictor. It's cool, though. Explains my nominee for 2008's Mom of the Year, "I assured Robert I wouldn't actually let him play with venomous snakes" [italics added].

She's got a valid point. Boas don't have poison. Just rows of sharp teeth. Watch how little blood they actually draw on a grown man.

See. Nothing to get your panties in a bunch about. A kid should be able to handle a snake attack like that with a minimum of mental trauma.

It's not like she's plunking a rugrat on a blanket with a hissing cobra and allowing it to be struck repeatedly in the head.

Note: Easily upset folks should not click this link, although it's fairly clear the snake's fangs have been removed and the child is never actually injured. This means you, Valerie. (And no, it's not the fat, naked Interweb surfer again.)

Update: YouTube pulled the cobra/infant video due to violation of terms. Probably for the best. You can guess just how disturbing it was by reading how two grown men reacted to it in the comments.


McGone said...

Holy crap.

Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap.

I never thought I'd wish you had instead linked to the fat man on the internet, but there it is. That's just plain disturbing.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the second video:

Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap.

Seriously? how stupid can those parents be?