
Moon Knight of Blogosphere...?

I woke up in Target this morning (for the last time, it turns out) and I found the following message saved as a draft on my BlockBerry:

oh hi
oh you are in hell
you are
marc spector
jake lockley
steven grant
moon knight
of blogosphere
enough is enough
hell is waiting
welcome him back
german swine
will bear witness
go to hell

I don't remember typing it myself, but the handset was right next to me where I always leave it (see this picture and subtract the still-MIA hoodie). I don't recall any dreams, although one image in particular (left) is stuck in my mind.

To quote Pee-wee Herman, "What does it mean?"

I'm a little freaked, as you can imagine. First my hoodie goes missing, now mysterious messages are turning up on my phone.

I'm taking Boxter and we're leaving this town. I'm in the local Apple Store composing this message on a MacBook Air. (They're sweet machines, by the way.)

First I'm going to finish this post, then I'll check out McGone's blog and leave it open for others to enjoy 'cuz I'm a pal like that, and then we'll hit the road again. I'm going in whichever direction the wind takes me. As long as it's away from here, that's cool.

It was time to leave Target anyway. The workers had come back during the day to make their July 27 grand opening. Also, even though the sign looked OK back on June 11, now it's shedding its skin. And that's just weird.

How am I the "Moon Knight of the blogosphere"...?


McGone said...

Ooo, a mystery! This like the Blogger version of the Da Vinci Code!

McGone said...

And thanks for the site-pimpin'! I'd mail you a check, but I'm not sure what Target you'll be washin' up in next.

Dr Zibbs said...

I've decoded the message but I just can't tell you. Print out the message and pour some lemon juice on it. It'll then be clear.

Dr Zibbs said...

OK, I hope you're sitting down for this. You've won a blogger award! See details on my blog!