
Creepy Orphans, Manilow, and White Hen Sammiches

Just to reestablish my credentials as a pop culture blogger, here's my wrap-up of the past few days.

Saturday - I watched The Orphanage on DVD. It frightened the living dooky out of me--in the middle of the day, no less. Remember how unsettled you felt toward the end of The Descent? I'm starting to like that...similar to getting addicted to the way your tummy feels when you're tipping backwards in a chair and catch yourself just before you fall. Wheee! Spooky moppets emerging from the shadows behind you!
Sunday - I was almost prompted to download a Barry Manilow song after seeing Hellboy II: The Golden Army. It also made me crave a cold Tecate. Even the voice of Seth MacFarlane couldn't ruin this movie for me (he's the antidote for funny).
Monday - I watched "The Drug Test" episode of Factory on Spike. The show capably balances quick, Arrested Development-type humor with blue-collar machinists talking smack about sex, their jobs, and life. When perfect shows like AD get cancelled, this one won't stand a chance. Still fun to watch while it lasts.
Tuesday - I've been known to occasionally watch Ninja Warrior on G4. Asians being humiliated on obstacle courses goes perfectly with Flamin' Hot Cheetos and scotch when the TiVo queue is lean. It turns out ABC's shameless ripoff Wipeout is surprisingly watchable and even funnier with Americans getting hurt. Who'da thunk it?
Wednesday - It was Wednesday, so Andy Dick did some inappropriate shit.

Day 43 on the road - I'm still wandering Mordor's heartland, and as you may recall in this post I've been shacked up in an Arby's.

My situation is both pathetic and sad. My clothes smell like curly fries. Boxter vomits on cue when our host Chas offers us Ham & Swiss Melts he planned on "throwing out, anyways." I've only been eating this "food" for eight days. I don't know how Morgan Spurlock lasted a month.

I took some cash from the register this morning (Chas encourages it), and walked to the nearest convenience store. You know Arby's food is bad when a White Hen ham sandwich with chips tastes like Thanksgiving dinner.

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McGone said...

Coincidentally I blame Seth McFarlane at least partially for Arrested Development's early demise. Family Guy came back from the dead and the awful American Dad showed up to push AD off the schedule. Lowest common denominator hack...

Falwless said...

My name is Falwless. I have a web diary. You commented on it once. You've been blogrolled. If only all things in life were this easy.

Seriously though, I've been sneaking a peek here now and again. Love your writing. I've finally come out of the shadows -- when people start talkin' shit about my Arby's I can stay silent no longer. Seriously. No one likes that place but me. Fine. See if I care. More Jamocha shakes and tasty, tasty Beef 'n Cheddars for me. You can go off and have your fancy meals elsewhere, I'll stick to the neon cowboy hat, thankyouverymuch.

MJenks said...

"Even the voice of Seth MacFarlane couldn't ruin this movie for me (he's the antidote for funny)."

He's not just the antidote; he's also the vaccine. I'd wish his penis to shrivel up and fall off, but it's already happened.

Not only did he push Arrested Development off the block, but he stole the initials. And now we get The Cleveland Show? Joyous.

MJenks said...

Falwless does bring up a good point about the Jamocha Shakes, though.

I was cured of eating Arby's in high school when, during health class, we saw a picture of what gonorrhea does down there. Never looked at the Big Montana quite the same ever since.

Falwless said...

That was uncalled for, mjenks.

MJenks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MJenks said...

You're right, it was uncalled for. I sincerely apologize. Not even the Jamocha Shakes can save Arby's.

MJenks said...

Sorry. For some reason I double-posted.

Now I'll stop spamming your otherwise lovely blog.

Anonymous said...

Hey, my wife likes Arby's too, jerk.

Dr Zibbs said...

As a horror fan I've seen all of those. You want scary, try seeing thoese in a theater on a Tuesday with 2 other creepy people in the theater. That's scary. Also, how great was it in the descent when things really started getting scary? Also, check out the Cabin and the new Hills have eyes.

Red said...

Ninja Warrior is awesome.