I was enjoying the company of fellow upstanding citizens at the unemployment office today, and I began thinking about
The Simpsons--and not just because the gentleman sitting next to me was wearing lounge pants in public featuring Homer ogling a donut.
I'm no fair-weather fan when it comes to my favorite animated yellow family (aside from
The Amazing Chan and the Chan Clan). I haven't missed an episode since the series began.
Yet as recently as last month I've had acquaintances go into denial that I don't like
an inferior show. "You
gotta watch
Family Guy, man! It's so much funnier than
The Simpsons."
No I don't, and no it's not.
There are three kinds of people in this world: those that like relevant, social humor, those that like poop and puke jokes, and those that go to plays about lesbian witches for $150 a ticket (I'm guessing at that plot 'cuz I'm not a theatre guy).
Here are four frames from a cartoon I made in the pages of a textbook in 5th grade:

That's funnier to me than
anything I've seen on
Family Guy. If Seth McFarlane was doing it, he'd eliminate the last two panels.
It's time to come back to
The Simpsons. Admittedly, the last couple seasons were just OK, but this season they've come back strong. The writers were refreshed from doing the movie, in my opinion, and remembered what made the show great.
Fine, one guy in the unemployment line had Simpsons
pants on, but there were ten
guys wearing Family Guy
pants. What does that tell you?