
The Only Reason I Need to Not See Awake

So I'm watching the trailer for Awake, a movie directed by a dude named "Joby" (!) which stars Hayden Christensen (!) and Jessica Alba (!)...and even with all three of those things counting against it, I'm not entirely convinced it won't be at least semi-watchable.*

And then Fisher Stevens, as a surgeon, offends the writer in me by saying the line, "Just inject the heart. In an hour he'll be dead and we'll be rich."


No. Come on. Really?

* On TNT next year 'cuz they know drama. Kyra Sedgwick says so.


Valerie said...

Do you know if Jessica Alba will be scantily clad in this movie? I'll watch it if she is.

Rider said...

Valerie: She has it in her contract to be scantily clad once per movie.

McGone said...

Wouldn't life be so much easier if the villians stated their evil intentions at ridiculously exposition-friendly moments?

On a different tangent, I believe that I have given Alba far too much leverage and her grace period is nearly over with me.

Valerie said...


Question: Does it sound like Anakin will speak in a non-monotone voice for this movie?

Valerie said...

McGone - Have you seen "Honey"? I got it for free at a hotel over ths summer...someone left it in the DVD player. I'm sure that person cries themself to sleep every night over that loss.

Rider said...

McGone: I'm giving her ten more movies to get it right; that's six months from now.

Valerie: For the rest of his career, Christensen's voice should be dubbed over by James Earl Jones.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I had no idea Christensen was in this movie. I usually quit watching once Fisher Stevens comes on. he drives me nuts.